John Thorn | Feeling 20 years younger
82 years old, was excepting the inevitable down cline of aging, with near crippling stenosis of the spine, two artificial knees, one hip, two torn rotator cuffs and pre-diabetic. There was a solid list of health issues to start working on. John fell in love with a woman who still had vigor for life, and taught him ya have to fight to be alive at this age, and it's worth it! John's commitment, consistency and drive with Wright Training and Victor PT has got him skiing 4+ days a week including being able to do 22 top to bottom runs at Targhee in 4 hours! And able to grab his coffee cup from the shelf without issues!
WOW W/ Coach Richard
Richard gives a great Classic Wright Training Program. Use it any day of the week.
WOW W/ Coach Devin | Low Back Pain
Suffering from low back pain or hold tightness in your low back? Gentle movement is usually the answer to relieving some of the tension. Here are a few movements that can help alleviate that pain.
Outside Magazine: 7 Moves That Will Get You Ready for Ski Season
You have no excuses for first-day noodle legs—these seven easy moves will get your legs back in skiing shape from the comfort of your living room
Staving off Surgery | Suzie Casper
Candidate for knee replacement, Commits to training and is as active as ever!