Workout of the Week

“What the Hell Effect” of Kettlebell Swings

There is so much that goes into a great Kettlebell Swing. When done properly this exercise will increase your explosive power, help you build a strong posterior chain, strengthen your abdominal core, and improve hip and lower back issues. So read on to learn which muscles are used in a KB swing and to learn proper form and technique!

WOW | Coach Emily | Muscle Mass

Coach Emily talks about muscle atrophy, the only way to prevent muscle loss, necessary protein to build muscle mass and a workout to finish.

WOW W/ Coach Crystal Wright | Work Capacity HIIT

This workout is a great example of a work capacity HIIT. Good aerobic hits to the system are important to optimizing your fitness level. Limited equipment needed, high intensity to train your heart and muscles to get to the next level of performance.

Why Ski Fit | Crystal Wright

Crystal Wright talks about this coming seasons Ski and Snowboard Fitness.

WOW w/ Brett Messmer | Olympic Complex

The Olympic Complex is a hang clean progression which includes: RDL's, Power Shrugs, Highpulls, and Hang Clean. This complex flow's together to get you tuned for a smooth hang squat clean.

WOW W/ Coach Richard

Richard gives a great Classic Wright Training Program. Use it any day of the week.

WOW W/ Coach Devin | Low Back Pain

Suffering from low back pain or hold tightness in your low back? Gentle movement is usually the answer to relieving some of the tension. Here are a few movements that can help alleviate that pain.