Wright Training is here to help you reach your fitness goals through strength, performance, and injury prevention.
Looking for a gift for someone who loves fitness? A giftcard to Wright Training is perfect for people looking to reach specific fitness goals. Gift card number available at time of purchase. Let a coach know if you need a printed card to give.
In honor of Jackson's 11 Year Anniversary we are offering 11% off all services. Limited to only one month of subscription services. Don't forget we also sell Gift Cards!
This running race is meant to be a fun community event starting at Wright Training and going through the community pubs. You can do this in up to teams of 5 or individual! The race goes from Wright Training Victor to High Point Cider then to Grand Teton Brewery to Refuge Taphouse to Guidepost Brewery and finish line is at the gym! You must chug a beer at each stop or hand off the beer baton to your teammate. Non-alcoholic beer is an option too! Running race to qualify for the prizes in top 3 individual, couples, and teams! Biking, rollerblading, horseback riding, or one wheel to join in the fun!
Your entry fee will include the 5 beers 1 beer at each stop and free entry into the raffle after the race!
Location: Wright Training, Victor ID ➡️ High Point Cider ➡️ Grand Teton Brewery ➡️ Refuge Taphouse ➡️ Guidepost Brewery finish at the gym!
Start Time: 3:30pm MDT
End Time: 5:30pm MDT
Price: $45.00 Race Fee + $3.70 SignUp Fee
Registration: Registration ends May 11, 2024 at 3:00pm MDT
Summer fitness is our 8 week 16 sessions course. We focus on building posterior chain muscle groups and building stamina for those long summer days. Our program has helped many to roll into summertime avoiding injuries from the transfer of sports and feeling strong and balanced. These on-demand video's allow you to take the course at any location with some space and equipment.
This Holiday Season we are offering 10% off all services until December 31st! Don't miss out, save on what you already buy. Or gift health and fitness to a loved one! Scroll down to find your service today!
Use CODE: wrightholiday at checkout.
For ultimate success, Coach Emily Hager is offering this Nutrition special along side the Summer Fitness progression training. You will recieve:
Just an inbody scan - $30
APRIL 7TH- MAY 29TH 2025
Progressive 8-week 16 session workshop to get you bike, run, paddle ready for all of your summer mountain adventures. With a focus on stabilizers, strengthening sport specific muscle groups, stamina, and work capacity to get you to the top of the mountains, or down that river this summer! You will gain posterior chain muscle strength, and stamina. One strength and stamina fitness test at the beginning of the workshop, and another at the end to see your gains! Be consistent, hitting as many classes as possible will show the best results.
NEW THIS YEAR! InBody Scan $30 add on to see your body composition before and after. Set bigger goals, work hard to see them! Body fat %, BMI, Metabollic rate, discrepancies between left and right side, and where to focus some work.
Signups are live!
In gym~$360 or ~ Any Wright Training year contract ( all memberships include on demand video)
~ Zoom $260
~ on demand $150
Wright Training has been working with youth for 15 years. The gym is committed to injury prevention and performance. As these young athletes are growing they are going through a lot of changes. Teaching them how to move properly and build strength is crucial for performance and injury prevention. Why not perform better and prevent injury! We are offering an 8 week course 16 sessions on T/TH starting April 7th, at 5:00 pm. This is open to all ages. All sport disciplines are welcome. Every young athlete will benefit from training.
Full Course: $265
Drop In: $30
Group fitness classes push you to your limits and challenge your endurance. From general fitness to sport-specific classes, you'll see gains in no time.
Personalized training allows you to focus on your fitness goals, whether you want to heal from an injury or train for an event.
Have a group of friends or family members with similar fitness goals? Get personalized training based on your needs and fitness ability.
Work out hassle-free! Train independently with Wright Training's gym equipment.
Get your workout where and when it suits you with our On-Demand Ski & Summer Fitness classes.
No gym? No problem! We'll design a personalized workout program for you while traveling or unable to attend classes.
Injuries can be setbacks, but we'll help you surpass them. Get back to feeling your best or even better with our dedicated support.
Personalized nutrition guidance to help improve your health and performance with tailored food, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations.
There is so much that goes into a great Kettlebell Swing. When done properly this exercise will increase your explosive power, help you build a strong posterior chain, strengthen your abdominal core, and improve hip and lower back issues. So read on to learn which muscles are used in a KB swing and to learn proper form and technique!
Coach Emily talks about muscle atrophy, the only way to prevent muscle loss, necessary protein to build muscle mass and a workout to finish.
Crystal Wright talks about this coming seasons Ski and Snowboard Fitness.
The Olympic Complex is a hang clean progression which includes: RDL's, Power Shrugs, Highpulls, and Hang Clean. This complex flow's together to get you tuned for a smooth hang squat clean.
One of Wright Training’s members, Nicole Gulati, recounts her story of planning for and executing her climb up the Grand Teton.
The journey up the Grand Teton for me and a group of women I organized “of a certain age” in August of 2024 was rooted in tragedy but ended in triumph. My neighbor, sadly, lost her daughter in a terrible accident some years ago and wanted to climb the Grand to honor her beloved child. My neighbor asked me if I would join her in her quest and, although I see the Grand from my windows every time the clouds permit, it wasn’t on my agenda per se largely because I have been terrified of heights since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I had trekked up high altitude peaks in my younger years in places like Tanzania, Nepal, and Tibet so I was not worried about the elevation of the Grand but those prior peaks all had minimal exposure. Added to my list of concerns was that I was going to be 50 and my neighbor would be 70 for the climb and, frankly, bodies are different after menopause. I wanted to say no to the climb due to my fears but I didn’t want to disappoint my grieving friend so I decided to put all of my worries aside. That said, I knew that we couldn’t just turn up at the trailhead and “go for it” as 20 somethings in cowboy boots are reported to do, so planning and a long lead time would be required.
We booked a committed group of private client female guides from Exum a year in advance and I went about putting together a team of older women for the climb. Thus, the “Grand Girls” were born and we started having regular email chats and Zooms to discuss our concerns, equipment, and training. While the seeming “horror” of pooping in a bag was the initial group concern (a non-issue in the end) we quickly moved on to realizing that the difference between our success or failure was going to come down to training and we all needed to keep each other accountable. We realized that, due to our ages, just doing some hiking was not going to be enough preparation and weight training was going to be a critical part of the equation.
I was already a client at Wright Training but I was inconsistent because I honestly found working out indoors to be boring and was doing it more because one should do weight training when you get older. However, now I had a goal of not letting my team of Grand Girls down and I became a regular at the gym. While I didn’t always love it when Crystal ordered me to do 450 weighted step-ups, the year of regular training turned out to be invaluable. And when I discovered that I had a torn meniscus and thought I would have to drop out of the climb Crystal said we would train around it and did not let me give up.
After a long, dry summer with beautiful trail conditions for the Grand, our turn arrived and after a year of intensive training and debating for many hours about what snacks we wanted in our packs we were all feeling quite confident. However, Murphy’s Law being what it is, that is when the weather turned to freezing and it snowed in August. I thought we were done for sure, and was a little relieved that I wouldn’t have to face the exposure, but our group and our guides were determined and onwards we marched. We did get a few catcalls on the way up asking “where are your men?” but we assured the concerned onlookers that our partners were all busy at home taking care of our animals.
The hike to the Saddle turned out to be easy, thanks to all of our training, but once the climbing portion started and I discovered what verglas is I understood why Crystal had made me do all of the arm hangs in the gym even though I complained mightily about them at the time thinking they were unnecessary. Although we were frozen, slid on the ice more times than I could count, used every muscle in our bodies, and I did not make peace with the exposure (dangling on a rope with thousands of feet below me just is not my thing) our entire group summited and made it all the way down safely with no major injuries. It turns out that old gals can climb the Grand even when the going gets tough but it was a team effort between a phenomenal group of supportive women - our climbing team, our guides, and our trainers were with us every step of the way making sure we were successful and safe. Bravo!
-Nicole Gulati
Another one of Wright Training’s members, Louise Parzick, answers some questions about her experience climbing the Grand for the first time-
How long did you train at Wright Training in preparation for the grand?
I have trained consistently with Crystal for skiing and the Grand. Most importantly, Crystal rehabbed my hip so that I could climb. I had surgery in April and then climbed the Grand 100 days later.
What were some of your favorite exercises that you did to train?
If not for the weighted step ups and the one legged squats….I would not have made it.
When did you climb the grand Teton?
Mid July
How long did it take you?
We did the Exum two day trip. Four of us ladies- alll over the age of 60.
What route did you take?
Owen Spalding route
What were some of the biggest challenges that you faced?
Getting my hip in shape, getting over the fear of being the weak link, wondering if I would be afraid of the height.
What were some things you felt were easier than you expected?
The entire second day started off rough in the dark but the climb was great. Easier than I thought it would be.
What were some moments that were more difficult than you expected?
The early start to the second day. Headlamp on, starting in the dark, complete silence. The down climb was also a little more than I expected.
Did you summit?
Would you do it again?
Only if I were to do it with my boys and their significant others.
-Louise Parzick
It had been a long time dream of many Wright Training Gym members to climb the Grand Teton. After months of training at the gym and much mental and physical preparation, four strong women made the trek to the top of the Grand. Two of these women, Nikki Gulati and Louise Parzick, write about their incredible experiences.